foxton NZ

Listing Information

The Foxton.Org website provides the communities of Foxton & Surrounding areas with access to Directory Listing for any Businesses, Attractions, Community, and Sporting groups within the wider Foxton area. The website promotes the benefits of, and support for Shopping, Trades & Services and Organisations.

Foxton.Org.NZ sees in excess of over 22,000 visits to the site each year. These visit numbers change and grow with new listings on the directory as the search criteria widens. When people are searching for goods or services, Foxton.Org normally registers in the first few replies that come up. As a result of this, those listing in this directory have a much higher hit rate.

We now seek your support by listing your details and information on this site.

We know that viewers of this site include both locals within the Foxton, Surrounding areas & tourists, with the majority of these using the internet as the first go to place to locate businesses, tradesmen, attractions and community organisations.

Your support means a great deal and does make a difference. We look forward to adding and updating your information to this directory.

Invitation To Join Us

Step 1, read the invitation to join us, review the table which shows you all subscription levels and what each level gives you.

Scroll to next page to printout the directory listing forms. Complete with your details in your selected subscription feilds and email this form. If you've selected the Standard, Premium or Premium Combo subscription, please ensure you email us your correctly typed and punctuated description (up to 100 words).
Click on the Listing Froms button to make your selection and complete your subscription information.

Listing Forms »

Payment Information

An initial setup fee of $50.00 plus GST will be required to be paid prior to any listings being published on the directory.

Payments are then to be made via automatic payment on a quarterly cycle, this keeps the costs down for those listing in the directory. Please setup your automatic payment to repeat on the same date as your first payment. Your listing will normally be on the directory within 3 days of receiving your first payment.

Please make payment to:

Account Name: Water and Beyond Ltd

Account Number: 38-9019-0578153-04